8 SECRETS to write Winning proposal

Thanks Kennedy for giving me an inspiration to write this blog post. You can read this article on My Medium.

Cover image of the blog post. Photo of Aurora Borealis
Photo by Japheth Mast


Now, there are many, too many freelancers who work on freelancing websites such as Fiverr, Guru, Upwork, and Freelancer.

Each site has a lot of freelancers, as well as many highly-rated freelancers, so it can be very hard for a newbie freelancer to get a job from them.

Then, how can write a winning bid and get the client’s attention? What is the secret to attracting clients?

I have found 8 methods from my testing.

First, I asked 40 freelancers to create a new Upwork account. Then, I sent them the link of most recent job postings so they could bid on them.

After 2 hours of testing, I found results that were so amazing I couldn’t believe them.

1. Please make client to view your proposal.

Most of clients (especially who are not familiar with the project) will not read bids in the final section, so if you have written a great proposal but the client can’t see it, it is useless.

I discovered four crucial things to gather attention of clients.

Yes, there are proposals that have been sent too quickly, proposals that have been given a boost, proposals that have been highlighted, and the freelancer avatar.

Now, the client has seen your proposal, but they chose to go with another freelancer instead of you. Why do you think that happened?

2. Please read client’s requirements carefully.

Some clients add special words or phrases as keyword to check freelancers have read their proposal or not.

If you bid without considering client’s keywords and requirements, how will they think?

Yes, of course, they will think like this: “This is a bidding bot.”

It is essential to pay attention to the needs of the client.

It would be beneficial if you have experience what clients want, or have already achieved tangible results that you can show to client.

3. If possible, Please include client’s name in your proposal.

Generally, if someone who doesn’t know you knows your name, and then uses your name in conversation with you, it makes you so glad.

It demonstrates an interest in the client and informs them that you have already done research about them. (I had a feeling I might be wrong, but the results confirmed that I was right. 😁)

If a client has a working history on Upwork, then you will have the possibility of finding his name.

4. Please answer all of your client’s questions.

There are such strict and demanding clients, they want to choose the best suited freelancer.

It could be your most stressful experience, but it could also be an important step in making you more professional.

If you think it is so cranky, and then ignore this, client will think you are not a suitable freelancer.

5. Please provide links that are similar to what the client wants.

If you can provide links to evidence of your previous work, such as your Github, StackOverflow, or Medium profiles, that would be helpful to client choose you.

Your live link that is similar to what the client is looking for makes you a strong candidate. (The most important thing is that you must prove that this is your own work, otherwise it would make you look like a scammer.)

6. Don’t use template proposal.

Some freelancers already have too many pre-written proposals. However, sending a template proposal does not usually meet the client’s needs.

Further, if you send a template proposal too quickly, clients will have doubts about whether you are a bot or not.

Do not submit a bid that is just a copy and paste of a template; some freelancing sites can detect this and it will indicate that you are a bot.

7. Make your avatar looks good.

I asked how to select a good avatar for my freelancer profile on ChatGPT.

The result is below.

1. A good suggestion would be to look for a photo that shows a natural, genuine smile with slightly upturned corners of the mouth.
2. Choose a professional-looking profile photo. Make sure the image is clear and in focus, and that it shows your face.
3. Choose a background image that reflects your professional goals. A graphic, a landscape, or an abstract pattern are all good options.
4. Use the same photo and bio across all of your social media accounts. This will help potential clients recognize you and make it easier for them to reach out.

8. Make your good profile

There are too many good ideas out there. So the best way to go about creating an amazing profile is to look at the profiles of successful freelancers and use them as a model.

In a nutshell, using kernel bids (that are neither too short nor too long) to match all client requests is the key to writing a successful winning bid.

Thank you very much. 🎉